Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mr. Shark offers his advice to an awkward Maurice

Dear Mr. Shark,
I’m awkward around girls. How can I be more smooth? 

Maurice E.
Portland, OR
Dear Maurice,
Since the only two emotions I am capable of feeling are bloodlust and violence, I’m not entirely sure what you mean by “awkward.”  So I will instead offer you my best advice on how to fertilize a female.   

First, make sure you are swimming in the designated mating waters, which for humans would include bars and grocery stores. Next, scan the area to locate the most fertile female.  I believe that in humans the sacks of fat hanging from the female’s chest are a good indicator.   

Before you approach the female, be sure to block all the exits with chairs, large rocks, or piles of dead seals so that she cannot escape your advances.  Then begin circling and bumping the female with your nose. Chicks love that shit.  Once she is intrigued, show off your dominance with a love bite.  I usually go for the fin, but for you, the fleshy part of the upper arm or thigh should work.  Now you should easily be able to impregnate her with one of your two penises (or is it penii?). 

Before you know it, you will have created two to three beautiful embryos, and after they engage in the adorable baby behavior known as in-womb cannibalism, you’ll be left with one dominant, murderous shark baby. 

But parenthood doesn’t end there.  Remember to teach your children well.  Specifically, let them know which areas of the seal beaches are your territory.  You don’t want to end up having to prove your hunting prowess by killing your own spawn.  I’ve been there, and believe me, it’s TOTES “awkward” as you might put it…

Hope this helps Maurice,
Mr. Shark

Do you have a burning question that can only be answered by a swimming death machine?  If so, you can now send your questions to

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