Friday, October 14, 2011

Poop reprecussions 20 years later

Katie -  the mom in your fecal drama with the ginger kids in their christening dresses turned up in my water aerobics class.  There was more to that story.  Zach was shooting garage sale arrows that were reaching their back yard. She had come over to complain, and of course our doorbell didn't work. Zach wasn't exactly a powerhouse but her concern was that she was pregnant. Kinda like the "baby on board" on a car mentality. I was busy primitive firing pots in the Weber kettle with lighter fluid and hay. .. Bad scene.  Anyway I'm hopping around with as much grace as possible in the class and keeping my conversation erudite to live down the skanky impression. Love, Nana

Personally, I think this is a great opportunity for Nana to keep it real.  Next time, I recommend bringing a (waterproof) bow and arrow to class. Point it at her every once in a while...just to make sure she knows that if she ever dares to tread (aerobically or otherwise) in your section of the pool, she will pay with her life.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Poop: from the archives

On a recent visit to Chicago my brother Justin and I saw our cousins Zach and Annie after almost a decade.  In typical holiday style we did a lot of ham-eating and childhood reminiscing, telling stories from those five or so years when we were all eight years old and left to run wild in the care of our grandmother, Nana.  There were several gems, but one in particular stands out...mainly because it involves poop. 
We were at Nana's, of course, taking a break from making clay pinch pots (or eating clay…or birth control pills…or glow in the dark toys) to patrol our territory in the back yard.  Our fort was under constant threat of invasion from the house behind us.  The ginger kids who lived in the yard were creepy and awkwardly clean, wearing christening gowns and chasing butterflies across their unnaturally manicured lawn.  I'd like to think they were also French. 
It was during routine booby-trap maintenance that Justin (the elder) came up with our most ambitious defense maneuver to date.
We were going to arm the holes with human poop. 
Zach nearly crapped himself on the spot from excitement, while Annie and I offered up half-hearted "ewws" to fulfill our girl roles.  But in our hearts we knew we'd be right there to witness every filthy step of the shit spectacle.  
Though never discussed, it was understood the poop was the responsibility of the eldest, so for the next few hours Justin focused steadfastly on his goal, devouring every piece of roughage he could get his grimy hands on.  The sheer volume his stomach could hold was both awe-inspiring and repulsive.  When the moment finally arrived, he darted up the stairs to the bathroom and set to his business as we clamored behind.  What seemed like hours later, and after a notably absent flush, he opened the door and let us in to view his digestive masterpiece. 
Once we had accepted its enormity, we had to figure out how to move the beast.  Transport was precarious.  Nobody wanted to touch it (would have been gross) so we had to figure out an elaborate cup/bucket transfer system.    Miraculously there was no poo-skin contact, and the fecal weaponry made it to its destination intact.
The gingers were appalled (it was probably the first time they had ever seen poop) but instead of having the desired effect of scaring them away, our plan only lured them closer so they could lecture us on the dangers of poor sanitation.  One was even bold enough to slip through a crack in the fence, effectively invading our side. 
It was on. 
We'd tolerated their polite conversation and their disturbingly freckled faces before, but this time they had crossed the line, quite literally. 
Hatred boiled in our veins.  We knew we needed to take serious action to defend ourselves from the red-headed insurgence.  It was secret-secret weapon time.  Time for arrows.  And not the sissy-kid nerf kind, but real buffalo-hunting, shoot-you-in-the-heart ARROWS.  We had found them the previous day "dumpster diving." They were in mint condition, complete with a functioning bow and razor-sharp arrowheads. It was the perfect moment to unveil their glory. 
After a brief fracas over who got the first shot, Justin took aim at the daintier ginger. Whizz.  Miss.  He passed the bow around, and we each took aim at the red bulls-eyes of the children’s heads as they ran around the yard in terror. We cackled like savages, and our eyes blazed fire as they cowered in true French fashion.  In the confusion, one of them stepped in the poo-hole, letting out a desperate shriek of fear and disgust as they limped off crying.  Either out of pity or archery inexperience we didn't end up actually hitting them with any arrows, but they certainly never bothered us again. 
Success.  Finally we were left alone with our poop, which even Justin admitted had gotten pretty gross at that point.   We ended up burying the poo–baby ceremoniously, and even marked the site like the grave of a beloved pet.
At some point the gingers tattled (of course) and sent over a frantic mother to alert our guardian. But by then we'd moved on to falling into window wells, and her knocks went unnoticed beneath the blaring Celtic music and the hissing of hamburgers on the frying pan.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

This barrel of monkeys is not as fun as promised

To whom it may concern,
I am writing to express dissatisfaction with my recent purchase of your product, “A Barrel of Monkeys.” A barrel of monkeys has long set the bar for fun, and after speaking with your representative over the phone, I was assured that my expectations for comical antics would be more than met. Since it was a special occasion, I decided to splurge and purchased your deluxe package: a 55-gallon barrel packed to the brim with live monkeys.

Eight days later, the package arrived just in time for my tropical-themed housewarming party.  Upon opening the barrel, however, I discovered several defects.  First, the monkeys were in sub-par physical condition.  Their hair was matted, and several of them had had their eyes gouged out by the other monkeys. Their unveiling really put a damper on the festivities. I had just started an impressive conga line, but once my guests saw the monkeys, the room fell silent as everyone stopped to gasp at the “poor wretched creatures.” And this was before I had even gotten to the monkeys at the bottom of the barrel, which at that point were no more than clumps of bloody fur.

In addition to the cosmetic issues, the behavior of the monkeys that were still alive was also quite disruptive.  The good-natured pandemonium I was expecting from the product was anything but. They didn’t mimic human mannerisms, perform acrobatics, or even attempt to play the cymbals I had provided. In fact, one of the monkeys threw several of them quite maliciously towards my guests. The sharp edges of the discs proved almost deadly when thrown with such force.  It was clear that being trapped inside a barrel for a week had not made these monkeys jovial.  It had made them angry.

After the near beheadings, the party quickly deteriorated into a state of violent chaos. The next few hours were a bloody blur of biting, scratching, and ghastly shrieking. In the middle of the bloodbath there was, however, a brief charming moment when the monkeys’ focus turned to the banana piñata I had hung in the foyer. Dazed with hunger, they all raced towards it with delight, and clumsily tried to unpeel it.  Silly monkeys. It wasn’t even a real banana! Of course when they discovered this deception they became even more violent, descending in a rage upon the nearest victim, my coworker Herbert, who feebly tried to defend himself with a pair of decorative fireplace tongs. Herbert is still in the hospital. His injuries have almost healed, but psychologically he has a much longer road ahead. A road paved with simian night terrors and chronic zoophobia.

Eventually, animal control and the fire department had to be called in to get the situation under control. I’ve spent hours scraping caked feces off of my walls and carpeting, and believe me, rabies shots for my entire party did not come cheap. But I suppose the outcome could have been worse. My doctors told me that if the panicked monkeys hadn’t scratched at the sides of the barrel during transport, their claws would have been much sharper and the damage to my corneas would have been permanent. Also only two people died.

Nevertheless, I feel that the “fun” promised by your product was a false claim, and I expect a full refund. I have enclosed the original receipt along with the barrel and most of the monkeys (a few of them are still trapped in my ductwork). Additionally, I feel I am entitled to a discount for a live housecat, as the one I owned previously was dismantled and eaten by your defective product.