Friday, October 14, 2011

Poop reprecussions 20 years later

Katie -  the mom in your fecal drama with the ginger kids in their christening dresses turned up in my water aerobics class.  There was more to that story.  Zach was shooting garage sale arrows that were reaching their back yard. She had come over to complain, and of course our doorbell didn't work. Zach wasn't exactly a powerhouse but her concern was that she was pregnant. Kinda like the "baby on board" on a car mentality. I was busy primitive firing pots in the Weber kettle with lighter fluid and hay. .. Bad scene.  Anyway I'm hopping around with as much grace as possible in the class and keeping my conversation erudite to live down the skanky impression. Love, Nana

Personally, I think this is a great opportunity for Nana to keep it real.  Next time, I recommend bringing a (waterproof) bow and arrow to class. Point it at her every once in a while...just to make sure she knows that if she ever dares to tread (aerobically or otherwise) in your section of the pool, she will pay with her life.

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