Monday, May 21, 2012

Salad pun lunch

Today me and some co-workers had lunch at this place called Leaf. The salad was ok, but the salad puns we came up with in line were exquisite.

This stock photo is entitled "Handsome young man eating a salad."

Here are the 10 best ones:
1. This line is unbeLEAFable.

2. They really need to hurry up, we can't ROMAINE here much longer.

3. Oh good, some vegeTABLES have opened up so we can sit down.

4.  I hope I don't VINAGRETTE my decision to eat here.

5. That was a really bad pun! CEASAR! (seize her)

6. Hey, do you think those people would LETTUCE cut in line?

7.  Man, it'll be a reLEAF when we finally order.

8. Ughhh this is taking so long I can feel myself cabbAGING.

9.  My brother hasn't woken up yet. He is in a coma...vegetable.

10. When we're done we're going to have to SPINACH back to the office.

Eventually, the staff and other patrons got so FED UP with our puns that we were TOSSED out.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

More fake animals

Sinead O'possum

Tony Hawktopus

SEAL Seal (I can't believe this isn't on the internet already)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

more hathawaying and rumering

Rumered Buschemi...I don't think he looks all that much uglier than normal in either of these...
Hathawayed Buschemi

Rumered Brangelina...I wanted to destroy something beautiful.

Hathawayed Brangelina...not too shabby looking

Rumer Willising and Anne Hathawaying

When you look at pictures of Rumer Willis and Anne Hathaway, you start to notice something odd:

Rumer Willis - Too much face room

Anne Hathaway - Not enough face room

Let's see what happens when you apply this to other faces:

Rumered Bolton

Hathawayed Bolton
Rumered me
Hathawayed me

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More awesomely-killed headlines

Here are a few more examples of overlooked advertising brilliance. This is a pretty great headline Derek wrote about a bank:
And an unintentionally pervy line I wrote about tea:
And last but not least, here's a line Kevin wrote down in a word document and showed to his boss: