Friday, February 10, 2012

Rumer Willising and Anne Hathawaying

When you look at pictures of Rumer Willis and Anne Hathaway, you start to notice something odd:

Rumer Willis - Too much face room

Anne Hathaway - Not enough face room

Let's see what happens when you apply this to other faces:

Rumered Bolton

Hathawayed Bolton
Rumered me
Hathawayed me

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

More awesomely-killed headlines

Here are a few more examples of overlooked advertising brilliance. This is a pretty great headline Derek wrote about a bank:
And an unintentionally pervy line I wrote about tea:
And last but not least, here's a line Kevin wrote down in a word document and showed to his boss:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Presidential CANdidates

A Mitt with titts.
 When you rip the tail off this Newt, it grows back sexier.
His face looks like a wizard, his body casts a spell on you.

Is santorum with this Santorum still gay?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Bjorkupine and Jack White-tailed deer

 Icelandic and spikey. Sometimes wears swans.

Writes songs, licks salt.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Rejected Whataburger lines

 In advertising, brilliance is often overlooked. Here are a few Whataburger examples that somehow slipped through the cracks.


Monday, January 30, 2012