Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mr. Shark in the Movies #2 - Face-off

A revolutionary medical technique allows Mr. Shark, an undercover agent, to take on the physical appearance of Castor Troy and infiltrate his organization.

 But then Troy awakens from his coma unexpectedly and takes Mr. Shark's face.
The surgery is so convincing that Mr. Shark's old ass wife does not even notice that his face is on a different body.

Mr. Shark in the Movies #1 - He's just not that into you

He just wants to get into your pants.  So he can bite off your legs.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Lesser known Reindeer #4 - Karl Lagerdeer

By far the most fashionable of all the reindeer.  This year, the Karl Lagerdeer will be unveiling a new line of couture pelts.

Lesser known Reindeer #3 - Make it Raindeer

Make it Raindeer can fly, but he is more interested in fly bitches.

Lesser known Reindeer #2: Chickendeer

The most delicious of all the reindeer.  He has the opposite problem of Sharkdeer, especially with fattie at the wheel...

Lesser known Reindeer #1: Sharkdeer

They never let poor Sharkdeer join in any reindeer games.  If they do at least one reindeer always ends up dead.

Dangerous Animal #3 - Sudocougar

Sudocougar's sudoku skillz will embarass you so hard that you DIE. And if that doesn't work he'll kill you with a variety of Swiss Army knife tools that are also convenient for camping.